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Region 2 Area 2 News and Events

Rogers County Sibshops scheduled for Oct. 8

Published: Thursday, September 8, 2016

Location to be determined but will be in Claremore

Do you have a child with a sibling with special needs? Does the child without special needs need an outlet to have fun and meet other siblings of children with special needs? If so, then the Rogers County Sibshops is just the place.

Scheduled for for October 8, 10 a.m. - noon, (location to be determined), the Sibshops will be lead by Rogers County OSU Extension Office Family and Consumer Sciences director Penny King. Penny has a strong background in child development and enjoys working with children.

Sibshops are for children ages 5-13. Activities planned for the day include child yoga, pumpkin decorating, talking and sharing with other children who have siblings with special needs, and making a Halloween Trail Mix.

Sibshops are opportunities for brothers and sisters of children with physical, developmental or intellectual disabilities or mental health concerns, to obtain peer support and education within a recreational context. The workshops are lively, pedal-to-the-metal celebrations of the many contributions made by brothers and sisters. Sibshops acknowledge that being the brother or sister of a person with special needs is for some, a good thing, for others a not-so-good thing, and for many, somewhere in between.  Information and discussion activities are interspersed with fun games and age-appropriate programming.

Registration for the first event must be completed by Oct. 6. Please email: and she will email you a short form to complete about your child and a photo/video release for you to consider signing.