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Rogers County News and Events

Statewide Bowling Fundraiser set for July 22

Published: Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Raising money to provide much needed respite vouchers for families


Mark your calendar for July 22 to come and help raise money for respite vouchers for families with children with disabilities all across Oklahoma. The Tulsa event is at Andy B's on south Lewis, July 22, 1-4 p.m. The OKC event is at Heritage Lanes. The cost to bowl is $25 and includes shoes, and teams of 5 are $125. The Andy B's location will be in the VIB Bowling area:  This includes lush, comfortable seating, jumbo screens with the latest in music videos, state-of-the-art scoring…all in a private area for you to enjoy with your friends and family.

We are looking for bowlers as well as sponsors. Below are the sponsorship levels. To register please visit: or 918-712-0340 if you are from Rogers or Tulsa Counties and would like to be a sponsor. Currently, Sooner Success is approaching 100 families who are in desperate need of a break from caregiving for just a few hours. All the money raised at this event will help provide vouchers for these families.


GOLD SPONSORSHIP - $1000 (monetary)

• Company logo displayed on main event banner (signage and/or electronic)

• Company logo displayed on all marketing materials and social media platforms

• Company logo on back of event t-shirt

• Free team registration for five players

• Recognition day of event

• First offer for donated items for “goodie bags”

SILVER SPONSORSHIP - $500 (monetary or in-kind)

• Company logo displayed on main event banner (signage and/or electronic)

• Company logo displayed on all marketing materials and social media platforms

• Company name on back of event t-shirt

• Recognition day of event

• Offer for donated items for “goodie bags”

BRONZE SPONSORSHIP - $250 (monetary or in-kind)

• Company name displayed on all marketing materials and social media platforms

• Company name on back of event t-shirt

• Recognition day of event

• Offer for donated items for “goodie bags”


• Company/Family name displayed on a bowling lane sign 

• Offer for donated items for “goodie bags