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News and Events

Cradle to Prison Pipleline: The preventive value of early education and infant mental health

Published: Sunday, January 24, 2016

Presented by Alicia Lieberman, Ph.D.

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016 | 6-7:30 p.m. | FREE
Schusterman Learning Center
41st & Yale, Tulsa
RSVP to Becca Hyvonen | | 918-660-3496

Adverse experiences like poverty and exposure to traumatic events are most damaging to infants and young children because negative early experiences can have a life-long impact on brain architecture, cognitive competence, and mental health. High rates of preschool expulsion suggest the association between school
dropout and incarceration may originate in the failure to identify and address young children's mental health needs. This talk will describe the use of a trauma lens to support children's healthy development across different systems of care.