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Logan County News

Resilience Documentary Screenings

Published: Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The Biology of Stress the Science of Hope

Research shows that adverse experiences in chidhood can have serious consequences in adulthood. Toxic stress puts Logan County children at risk for a poor health outcomes, mental health conditions, substance abuse and even early death.

The Resilence Documentary highlights the dangers associated with adverse childhood experiences, but also shows how to protect chidlren for these risks.

The Logan County Partnership,, in conjuction with the Potts Family Foundation, is hosting a screening of the documentary and a panel led discussion on ways to prevent poor outcomes. Join us as we discuss how to create a healthier, brighter future for children in Logan County.

Showings will be at the Logan County Fairgrounds at 2:00 and 6:00 on April 26th.  Please use the EventBrite links to register.

Together we can build a brighter future for Logan County children.