Parent Page: County Coordinators id: 2347 Active Page: McClain Countyid:11262

McClain County

Upcoming Events


Contact Information

Eva Smith
Region 4 Coordinator & 
McClain County Coordinator

Ways community members can get involved

Join our coalition 

  • Are visitors welcome? yes
  • Process for joining group? Come to the meeting

Become a Core family member

Sooner SUCCESS is committed to have family members of those with special needs represented at the table when special needs issues are discussed. If you are interested in learning more about the role of the Core Family Member in this coalition, contact

Coalition Information

Coalition name:  Blanchard Community Coalition
Location of meeting: Blanchard Public Library
Date/time of meeting: 1st Thursday of each month at 12:00

Mission Statement or primary goal of coalition: To become a united community through programs and services that support the wellness and quality of life for youth and families in Blanchard.

Coalition name:  Healthy Living Partnership|
Date/time of meeting: Meets quarterly (Feb,May,Aug,Nov) 3rd Tuesday of the month
Location of meeting:  HLP Office, 919 N. 9th Ave, Purcell

Mission Statement or primary goal of coalition:  To foster a culture of health in McClain County by increasing physical activity opportunities, access to nutritious foods, and tobacco free environments.

Coalition name:  Newcastle Community Collective
Date/time of meeting:  Meets 2nd Thursday of the month at 12:00
Location of meeting:  Newcastle Public Library

Mission Statement or primary goal of coalition: To bring a robust group of Newcastle community advocates together with a goal of working on strategies of health and wellness for the community.