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SUCCESS for LifePOST SECONDARY EDUCATION for Parents, educators, professionals, AND those interested in PSE programs for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities was held on April 21, 2016

 Lead Learn Live and Sooner Success along with Oklahoma Disability Law Center, Tulsa Center for Child Psychology, Down Syndrome Association of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma Community of Practice are partnering to present Edie Cusack, Executive Director of the REACH program at College of Charleston.

Attendees learned how the model program REACH is helping students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and learn more about efforts to bring model PSE programs to Oklahoma.

There were 2 opportunities to hear Edie Cusack, Tulsa and Oklahoma City.

We want to thank the parents, professionals and partners that helped with a SUCCESSFUL event.

For questions, email jlackey.leadlearnlive@gmail.comor call toll free 1-877-441-0434

SUCCESSforlife is a collaboration of emerging organizations dedicated to improving health and wellness in Oklahoma communities. SUCCESSforlife sponsors leadership and training opportunities that address issues and concerns that impact families that have a child with special needs. In the past state health experts, a panel discussions from organizational leaders about current, successful community initiatives, and breakout sessions addressing collaborations, organizational management, fiscal responsibility, outcome measurement, fundraising and social marketing have been held. In addition, numerous mini training events will be scheduled throughout the year. These events will engage local communities and assist in facilitating at the county level the creation of a community based comprehensive unified system of health, social, and educational services for Oklahoma children. 

Sooner SUCCESS Tagline

Goals for Oklahoma College Programs: 

The model program we are proposing for Oklahoma is based on programs successfully running in other states. The program would be for students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. The components include:
 Fully Integrated
 Embedded within the College
 Certificate or Degree Program
 Individualized per student
 Four Pillar Program
 A Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP) as approved by U.S. Dept. of Education
 Supported by State Funding
 Utilize the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) processes
Fully Integrated →→Embraces all aspects of College Life – Fully Inclusive
Embedded within the College →→Director and support staff are College employees
Certificate or Degree Program→→Receive meaningful certificate or degree upon completion
Individualized per student →→To meet unique needs of each student in the program

Four Pillar Program

  1. Independent Living – On Campus inclusive housing
  2. Social Skills/Self Determination – Learning appropriate self awareness and navigation of social landscape
  3. Academic – Students select classes they are interested in as well as attend specialty courses designed to support independent living success (public transportation, life skills, etc.)
  4. Career Development – Paid, competitive, integrative work

CTP →→Allows for use of federal financial aid
Supported by State Funding→→Supported funding for start-up, with focus on self-sufficiency
Supported by Tuition→→Individual tuition to promote sustainability
UDL →→Framework for accommodation of individual learning differences (918)520-2794

Sooner Success

940 N.E. 13th Street, Suite 4800, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

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